Statistics and observations about the NCCFF


Statistics and observations about the NCCFF


The Nordic Creative Commons Film Festival (NCCFF – suggests a novel approach to organize a film festival suitable for a digital age. Far from the ordinary mechanisms this Festival viewed the audience as participants and co-creators of the festival inviting the audience to create screenings in their homes or at different venues. 


The festival in numbers
After the ten days long festival we can sum up: 66 different events in 11 different countries involving 24 cities…a fantastic result! Although 42 events took place in the Nordic region the Festival gained popularity all over Europe. If this is the trend then maybe next year it will not be just “Nordic”, like it was called this current edition.

The selection of movies, short and feature (46 totally) was as complete as based on really good quality, and this helped of course the success of the NCCFF. The selection included film produced by 28 countries. The contribution of the Nordic countries was clearly significant: 15 of 46 movies came indeed from the Nordic zone.

The vivacity of the Festival was increased through the seminars and the workshops during all the ten days of the Festival itself, organized not only in the coordination hub (Stockholm) but wherever, in Sweden as well in Greece.


Involving technical innovation

The Event Manager Platform was an innovative technical platform that was the basic equipment used to have an efficient feedback from the participants: it allowed sending them the useful links to screen the movies selected in the Festival program. The platform taps into multiple databases online aggregating useful information for both host and audience. Different form of social media played an important role in coordination. This type of involvement requires a constant work of communication in order to create links between staff, hosts and other participants. This in particular with the local organizations for the biggest events.

The participants were really excited by this innovative way of doing a film festival: so the screenings were 257 (open and private) and they determined high participation and the creation of new events in the platform until the last day of the Festival. This was thanks to open licences: without them, nothing of this would have ever happened.


Awarded participation

The winner for the feature section was “The Cosmonaut” from Spain with 10 screenings ( while “School Portrait” from the UK won the short section with 13 screenings ( The special prize for the “best host”, attributed as a result of a draw among the best candidates, went to (CC)inema (in Saarbrücken). (CC)inema collaborated with a lot of excising local activities helping to spread the word in Germany. The winners for the remix competition within the Festival were one from Turkey ( and the other one from Stockholm ( they mixed pieces of movies selected by themselves from the Festival program.


Popular but there is more to do

Capturing the attention of more than one thousand of people is itself the evidence on the basis of which we can certainly say that this is a model for a Festival to reach more people and for the movies to reach more audience. This sort of mutual collaboration could achieve even greater results if its use if it will be put in place with the aim of a conscious sharing of cinematographic works.


Nordens första Creative commons filmfestival

30 augusti öppnar The Nordic Creative Commons Film Festival 2013, den första nordiska festivalen för film under öppen licens. “Good films is best seen together” är slagordet för festivalen som bjuder in alla att delta.

Utvalda CC-licensierade filmer från hela världen kommer visas runt om i Norden från 30 aug – 8 sept. Festivalkonceptet bygger på deltagande och transparens där publiken är de officiella arrangörerna. Vem som helst med en publik på 5 personer och utrustning att visa film kan bli en arrangör. Privatpersoners hem och samlingslokaler blir tillfälliga biografer. På festivalens officiella mötesplatser visas utvalda filmer tillsammans med samtal och seminarier. Vill du redan nu veta mer om vad creative commons är så kan du titta på denna introduktionsvideo

Till sommaren öppnar festivalens webbplats för att organisera visningar, ungefär som air b’n’b fast för filmvisningar. Du kan följa utvecklingen via Facebooksidan och twitter #nccff. 

Creative commons firade precis 10 år och nu under 2013 kommer många bra filmer att släppas. Premiärer att se fram emot är bland annat TPB AFK, dokumentären om the Priate Bay och The Cosmonaut som fick in €400.000 via crowdfunding. 

Det är dags för ett event som sammanför filmare, remixare, publik och filmbranschen till en inspirerande festival och debatt om framtidens upphovsrätt, nya distributionsvägar och öppna källor för skapande, omtolkning och produktion av film. 

Festivalen tar emot bidrag som kan väljas ut till festivalens officiella visningar. Bidragen är också med och tävlar om publikens pris och en jury kommer lyfta fram filmer av särskilt hög kvalité som kommer att spridas till en bredare publik. 

Genres i festivalen kommer vara:

  • Långfilm (mer än 60 minuter)
  • Kortfilm (under 59 minuter)
  • Dokumentär
  • Övrigt (exempelvis musikvideos, konstfilm, experimentell)

Alla teman är välkomna och deadline är 30:e juni 2013. Reglerna är enkla:

  • Filmerna måste vara lisencierade under CC, valfria attribut
  • Ha engelsk undertext

Maila fölajnde information till info(a)

  • Titel
  • Kontaktperson
  • Produktionsår
  • Längd
  • Produktionsland/länder
  • Genre
  • Synopsis
  • Länk till filmen
  • Minst en stillbild.